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OFSTED Report 2020

OFSTED Inspection report for early years provision

Unique Reference Number: 160507
Inspection date: 16 March 2020
Type of setting: Childminding

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is outstanding

Children are very settled and clearly happy in the childminder's warm and attentive care. They laugh with obvious delight as she sings with them and they snuggle in for reassurance and comfort when needed. Children are exceptionally confident as they play together with the extensive range of resources the childminder provides.

They enjoy many unhurried opportunities to explore enthusiastically outdoors. Children are extremely curious and self-motivated. They display exceptionally high levels of persistence as they climb on the climbing frame and try to put on their coats.

Children have very positive attitudes to their learning.

Read the full report on the Ofsted Website.

Surrey County Council Early Years Quality Improvement Award
Ofsted Outstanding 2020
Copyright Little Stars Childcare Service